Hariana originates from Rohtak, Hisar, Jind and Gurgaon districts of Haryana and is also popular in Punjab, UP and parts of MP.
It is one of the highly prominent dual purpose cattle breed of Indo Gangetic plain and named according to the breeding tract of the breed (Haryana state). This type of breed was earlier known as ‘Hisar’ and ‘Hansi’ due to their place of origin. The breeding paths of Hariana cattle includes Hisar, Rohtak, Sonepat, Gurgaon, Jind and Jhajjar districts of Haryana.
Typically, the breed is white or light grey colored with coffin shaped skull. In case of bulls, colour in-between fore and hind quarters is relatively dark or dark grey. These animals have long and narrow face, well-marked bony prominence at the centre of poll and small horns.
This breed cows are very good milkers yielding 600 to 800 kg of milk per lactation. Hariana breed is generally maintained for bullock production because they are quite powerful work animals. Hence more attention is paid in managing male calves. They are valued as powerful work animals which at the same time are capable of producing a fair amount of milk. Hariana bullocks are particularly good work animals for rapid ploughing and road transport.
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