Chowdikatte Deshee Goushala, Hunsur, Mysore.
This event was conducted around the theme of awareness and application of our Desi cows/Bulls by products like milk, Cow urine, Cow dung.
As part of starting session Amruta aahaara preparation was served to the volunteers and the significance of it was explained.
As a part of this event, participants were introduced to self-sustainable and traditional way of lifestyle/farming methods which is eco-friendly and desi cow centered.
Event Date : December 8th 2019, Sunday
Event Timing : Morning 8 am to 2:30 pm
Event Location : Hunsur, Karnataka
On the Auspicious day of Bhagavad Gita Jayanti (8th December) around 100 people gathered around *Chowdikatte Deshee goushala, Hunsur near Mysore and excited to explore the, natural and sustainable way of living with Indian breed cows and bulls.
Breakfast: Celebration started at 8am with breakfast i.e. Amrutahara (mix of sprouts, traditional jaggery and coconut) a full nutritional meal known to keep one healthy and strong. Everyone relished this preparation and was enthusiastic for the next event.
Everyone gathered around the goushala and looked curious to know what was waiting for them and here was a Gopal volunteer with a basket and tools. He explained what it means to keep the goushala clean and why it is important. He shared a small story his grandma told him, it goes like this in his grandma’s words: “in our olden days there was no cure for tuberculosis The person who had contracted it was quarantined and kept in a gaushala 24X7, cleaning the goushala and managing the herd and sleeping. The person got cured in 6 months, returned healthy and hearty. During his quarantine period the person used to breathe and stay in the goushala atmosphere (mix of cow urine and cow dung) which boosted his immunity but also cured his fatal disease”. This drove the people for cleaning the goushala with much more wisdom, rationale and felt more connected.
Our Gopal volunteer introduced the crowd to different desi cow / bull breeds and showed the distinguishing features of each of them. They were also told about the harmful effects of the Imported foreign breed cows.
This was followed by Gau pooja which the ladies took part very actively and felt emotionally connected to the Gou.
Organic farms which was grown without any chemical fertilizers or pesticides was introduced. Gopal volunteer explained about the medicinal crops in detail and the participants were engaged deeply in the conversation to learn more and implement in their lands/ terrace gardens. After an hour of engagement the participants were directed towards the water harvesting systems or huge human made ponds for storing, using of rain water and making the farm self-sustainable. Participants walked around more than 4 huge ponds.
The participants really were excited to see the age old traditional oil ghani run by the strong Hallikar bulls by moving around in circles. participants were able to smell and taste the real, unprocessed and raw cocunut oil freshly prepared in front of them. This spot was a huge selfie ground.
Gopals Volunteer introduced the participants on steps to prepare organic manure based out of Cow dung, Cow urine, Jaggery, Dal and fruits.
Participants were introduced to panchagavya products and its health benefits. Agnihotra a process to purify the environment was introduced and a case study was shared. This was followed by preparation steps for Dhoop.
Participants were made to do hands on workshop to prepare aromatic dhoop cones out of desi cow dung and other herbal powders. Moulds and lemon grass sticks were given to prepare it. All participants especially the kids enjoyed making it.
An engaging speech was delivered by Shri Thammaih the owner of the deshee goushala on healthy living by Yoga, healthy food and farming habits which got a lot of applause from the listeners.
A hot sumptuous lunch was served which included organic cucumber pieces, rice, sambar, palya and organic rice-jaggery sweet dish.
Interested participants were shown the one acre 100 crops model and closely guided them on how to do it.
verall it was a great engaging, informative and enlightening experience to all the participants which made few of them relive their age old memories of their village life, to introducing what healthy living meant.
People from Hunsur, Davangere, Mysore and Banglore had participated in the event and made a lasting friendship with the Desi cows, the goushala and healthy and natural ways of living.
GoPals Charitable Trust #78,
2nd Main Road, Kanaka Layout,
Banashankari 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560070, INDIA.