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Namma Hasu - Naati Hasu Bengaluru

Published by: WeGopals Team
December 18, 2019

“Namma Hasu ! Naati Hasu” (Our Cow, Native Cow)

This event was to spread awareness about Indian native Cows and other organic lifestyle practices.



Naati Hasu Goshala , Chikka Madure Road, Kakol, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560009.

Nature of Activity:

GoPals is centered around the conservation of environment and sustainable living by creating awareness about various organic farming practices and Desi Indian Cows which is the backbone of Indian farming.

Over 130 participants joined with full enthusiasm at GoPals “Namma Naati Hasu” event. We just celebrated Deepavali during which one day is dedicated as Govardhana Pooja and we all would have visited nearby temples or performed Gou pooja. Govardhana Puja occurs on the fourth day of Diwali. Devotees prepare mounds made of cow dung, symbolising Govardhana – the mountain that Krishna lifted with his finger to save the villagers of Vrindavan from rain – and decorate and worship them. Some of us also observe this day as Annakoot, or the mountain of food.

GoPals tries to spread awareness and remind one and all about various traditional farming practices, Native Indian breed Cows, organic lifestyle and how they could safeguard sustainable living culture and support green environment. The event included activities like connecting everyone to native cows the privilege which not everyone would have had, introduction to native cow breed cows, cleaning the Goushala, multiple sessions on the preparation of Organic manure, soap, phenyl, Ghee and Jeevamrutha.

Other activities included Cow Feeding, Goshala Cleaning with fun and learning games for kids.

Date and Time Duration of Event:

Event Date : November 17th, 2019 (Sunday)
Event Timing : Morning 7:45 AM to Noon 14:30 PM
Event Location : Naati Hasu Goshala, Kaggalipura, Bengaluru

Event Details:

  • 7:45 AM to 9:45 AM  -  Feeding the Cows/Bulls
  • 9:45 AM to 10:30 AM - Breakfast
  • 10:45 AM to 12:45 PM - Cleaning the Goushala & Introduction to Native Breeds of Cow
  • 12:45 PM to 13:45 PM - Importance of Cow in Natural Farming by "Shri Sudhir", Advocate & Founder Naati Hasu Goshala
  • 02:00 PM to 02:30 PM - Lunch

People Participation :

Over 130 Cow and Nature lovers participated for the “Namma Hasu! Naati Hasu” event. Team GoPals considers every participant as a part of its team and calls them GoPals or Friends of Cow. It was heartening to see children and adults enthusiastically reaching the Goushala with full josh and keen to touch and meet the desi gou. Everyone was trying to touch desi gou including kids and the happiness observed on their face was the main reason we wanted to organize the event. In no time, participants were driving us through the event by lining up to feed the desi gou / desi bulls.


And you know what Desi Gou and Bulls were loving it to know so many of us care for them. They had their own way to express the gratitude through their eyes and gesture towards the participants.

After some gou seva it was now time for some pet pooja (breakfast ) and participants were really hungry after the efforts they had put under early morning fresh air and lovely warm sun during the winters which we all love.

Something unusual from same regular Office Air conditioner and guess what everyone were really happy about it with smiles all over!!!

Soon participants were all set for our next activity “Cleaning the Shala &Intro to Native Breeds of Cow".

For a moment, feeling was we delicate IT folks…Will really participate in cleaning the goshala and picking cow dung with their hand?

If you have any doubts…. We can clear your doubts that participants were amazing and dint leave a stone while cleaning the Goshala. Attitude with which everyone participated was as if it’s their own Goshala and all the cows and bulls their family members!!!

If you think during this activity where elders were fully busy cleaning Goshala what were kids and old participants doing…here is a learning for all of us that Irrespective of age we all can contribute, Isnt it!

Amazed to see the dedication and love of all towards desi gou!!!

Next, we had plan for some Fun games for kids to allow them relax and connect with other kids part of the event.

parallel, we had scheduled Session by Kumar Jagirdar ji (Gosevak, Mathruka Goushala, Bangalore ) on benefits of Organic products made from Indian Cow milk, Cow Urine, Cow Dung and many more and how it can add healthy years to our life which was one of the reasons our ancestors used to live 80, 90 and in times 100. This decade is seeing the life term of 70 – 75 years. With our lifestyle habits, work culture and to worsen it food adulteration and mixing should we not worry about where are we leading to and will we be able to live even for 60 years? Sad but true!

A short and knowledgeable session was taken by Shri Sudhindranath Ji (Gosevak & Advocate, Naati Hasu Goshala, Rajanakunte, Bangalore) briefing us about “Importance of Native Indian breed Cows in Natural farming - Why we need them for our survival and not other way as we usually think” and his experience where he started this Goshala with “One Cow and a calf” few years back and now has a happy family of around 400 (Bulls, Cow and Calves)!!! Unbelievable, Is it not!

He also discussed about our traditional and organic practices when we had no need for hospitals and infertility centers. How our ancestors used to live long, healthy and happy life with a lot number of kids.

Today, we are seeing a major shift in culture, we may have more money than before but life is getting shorter, health is going bad to worse, men and women are becoming infertile!

We as individuals need to introspect about this and act to save our Native Cows before it’s too late

Finally, we had reached the final phase of our event where everyone had become a GoPal (Friend of Native Cow ) and showed their interest to join us for our future events where we create the awareness about our Native Breed Indian Cow!

Dignitaries and Chief Guests present at the Event

  • Kumar Jagirdar ji (Gosevak, Mathruka Goshala, Bangalore)
  • Shri Sudhindranath Ji (Gosevak & Advocate, Naati Hasu Goshala, Rajanakunte, Bangalore)
  • Shri Mallinath Hemmadi Ji (Professor, Dairy Science College, Gulbarga)


The feedback from the volunteers was very positive and they felt lucky to have had chance to engage with mother nature and feel the energy of Desi Indian Cows. Volunteers learned about native Indian breeds of cattle, traditional and organic farming practices.

Most importantly, there are a lot of ways every individual can contribute to our mission to save native cows in their own ways and easiest way is by Volunteering with Team GoPals.

If you feel any of your friends, relatives and family members may have missed this event and could benefit from it, then we would suggest them to join and support us as the saying goes “Its better late than never”.Luckily, we are just a click away from you. Just go to Become A Volunteer link and provide your details and join our volunteer team.

Next Plans:

The future events from GoPals are under discussion and will be published on our web site on Upcoming Events page.

Please find below gallery to see the few more glimpses of the event:

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We strive to reconnect people with their roots, fostering a deep understanding of traditional practices and the invaluable role of Desi Cows in promoting eco-friendly living.
Image of a desi cow.

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